Non Death Chaos set including step by step by A?ngel Giraldez for painting the miniature figures of the ghosts, zombies, monsters, vampires, demons and other malignant creatures of the night.
The first set of the Alpine Miniatures collection, includes a 1by35 figure which depicts a corporal of the 29th Infantry Division, equipped with the most common gear for the late European campaigns of WWII. The miniature has been sculpted by Teasung Harmms exclusively for Vallejo.
Set with Model Air colors developed to paint the different models of the MiG-29 Fulcrum of the SovietbyRussian Federation Air Force deployed during the Cold War and up to date.
This set includes the Olive Drab used on the operative vehicles in the beginning of the 1956 Sinai War, the 67 Sand Grey color used in the beginning of the Six Days War, the 73 Sand Grey of the Yom Kippur conflict, the 82 Sinai Grey deployed in Lebanon and the actual shade of 87 Tan Green.